But I’m Not the Problem…

Opt In

It’s easy to be on the defense when these sensitive subjects arise; I get it. It’s easy to throw your hands up and shout to the heavens that you aren’t racist or sexist or all the others “ists” out there. But we all have to realize that our mental models form our lens to the world.Yes, YOU would never intentionally do something to hurt someone or put someone at a disadvantage, and that’s great!But – (and you knew there was a ‘but’ coming) just because we would never intentionally do something to hurt another individual doesn’t mean we’re immune to the unconscious biases that everyone exhibits and acts upon. It is our responsibility as community members to consider the systemic barriers in place that stack the odds against marginalized communities and attach privilege to the majority demographic.Unfortunately, our defensiveness on these issues leads us to forget that it’s not always about us and our need to justify our own actions, but rather, the collective output from individuals and the system in which we operate.Still with me?So, what can we do besides shouting to the heavens that we aren’t a terrible person? Rather than saying, “I would never do that,” I propose it would be more productive to say, “I recognize my role in this and how my gender, race, sexuality, etc. has historically contributed to this problem, and now I get to choose how I show up and participate.”We get a choice in how we show up, we get to change the dynamic and play a role in the progress. Rather than opting out because we don’t think we are part of the problem, we can instead opt in and be part of the solution.We can simply say, “I hear you, I’m listening.”

Bring Others Along

I’m still working on how to get it all just right.I’ll admit that the later breakout session following the workshop, when this man and I were grouped together, was challenging for me.I may have shaken my head at him and rolled my eyes when he professed the only reason women don’t advance in their careers is because we all choose to have families instead, among other lofty generalizations. But surprisingly, we somehow kept the conversation going, we somehow were able to have a genuine laugh here and there, and at the very least, we both planted a seed to think critically about our conversation.The truth of the matter is, he showed up to the workshop to learn and ready to listen. He was present and engaged and willing to voice his opinion. We can all recognize that the “everyone thinks like me” belief system doesn’t really work, but it takes time to arrive there emotionally.If we shut people down, without meeting them where they are, they aren’t going to be interested in being brought into our corner. And when it comes to sexual harassment, we do need men on board to make social progress.We need to actively engage with dissenting voices, especially when they say, “…but not all men.”

Call In, Don’t Call Out

In a divisive time, people must be called in, not called out. Each person who opts in and chooses to participate, positively, has a chance to be a catalyst for change. By focusing on the issue rather than our need to prove our innocence, we can make this world a better, more inclusive place.It’s a grassroots effort, folks.So, how will you show up?

Writer Alex Suggs is the Research and Consulting Coordinator at IBIS, energized by courageous conversations and engaging in a human-centered approach to consulting, with empathy as a key aspect in approaching challenges.

Cedar Pruitt, Ed.M

Cedar Pruitt, Ed.M, a Senior Consultant on staff at IBIS since 2015, is passionate about racial equity and justice. She specializes in facilitation, strategic business development and executive coaching, and has  over two decades of expertise in developing innovative, meaningful and inclusive workplace culture.


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