The #1 Business Challenge for Inclusive Leaders…and the top skills to solve it

What skills are most valuable for inclusive leaders?

We’ve been asking…

…and we’re excited to share a sneak peek at what we’re hearing from leaders so far.

Responses keep rolling in, so this is a snapshot in time of what we know, and results may change. But these current results? We find them compelling.

GIF of percentages of leaders surveyed regarding inclusive leadership

The team at Ibis has defined a set of 8 skills that every inclusive leader needs in order to succeed in the current global workplace environment.

Now on to the findings*:

Let’s start with the Top 3 Inclusive Leadership skills that leaders find most valuable to them. Drumroll, please…

GIF of inclusive leadership skills

Have you guessed the current #1 leading skill yet?

Are you surprised to learn that it is Connect?

When leaders lack the skills to connect, they often end up struggling to create inclusive workplaces where employees want to stay for the long-term.

Retention rates might dwindle. Employees may not feel seen. Or heard. They might feel as though their opinions don’t matter as much as others. Or that their presence is appreciated.

They might not feel, in other words, that they belong.

We hear it from clients, colleagues and entire C-suites.

A culture of belonging is not easy to create or maintain, but it’s a vital part of recruitment, retention, and productivity. Employees who feel that they belong to a community tend to contribute more to the workplace than those who don’t.

Research published in Harvard Business Review indicated that high belonging was reflected in a 56% increase in job performance, a 50% drop in turnover risk, and a 75% reduction in sick days.

In addition to building the skill of connection, there are tangible steps that leaders can take to boost the culture of belonging at the workplace.

According to research from Gartner, eliminating “outsiderness,” bringing everyone on board, and demonstrating care through initiatives and actions all have a significant impact on the culture and experience of the employees.

What do you think?

Is this a top business challenge in your workplace, too?

What skills would you rate as making a dent in inclusion?

We want to hear from you. Reach out to us today.

*Results are from an ongoing Ibis survey of global business leaders.

Cedar Pruitt, Ed.M

Cedar Pruitt, Ed.M, a Senior Consultant on staff at IBIS since 2015, is passionate about racial equity and justice. She specializes in facilitation, strategic business development and executive coaching, and has  over two decades of expertise in developing innovative, meaningful and inclusive workplace culture.


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